Urbanization is a tricky subject. It affects each state, region, county, and town differently, and there are certainly benefits to expanding our communities
I absolutely love my school and wouldn’t trade it for the world, but I want to bring up a topic that sometimes gets swept under the rug. Personally, I have many friends and peers at home, in my family,...
A few months ago, I had the bright idea that it would be great to start my kids showing cattle and invite their friends to do the same. I thought, “Hey! We can house them and all work with them together!”
Last Sunday, Joaquin Phoenix used his fame to denounce dairy farming to millions of people. If I’m being completely honest, I’m a little impressed that he was able to slip the phrase “artificial...
Last year, I read a post from Jennifer (@albertafarmlife) on Twitter that made me laugh. It said, “I love the ‘farmhouse’ décor trend. I do. It’s cute. But who do they think...
Kobe Bryant's death has been all over the media. While an NBA superstar's life has little effect on us dairy farmers, the harsh reminder of his tragic passing is that life is way too short
I want to start this by saying that I am not a licensed professional. I am just a farmer who knows how it feels to be at the end of your rope with what seems like no way to crawl back from the darkness
I recently listened to Kenny Chesney's song "Don't blink" and tears streamed down my cheeks, because let's be honest, we all can relate just how fast time goes by
The holidays are one of my dad’s favorite times. It might be that all of his children are home or all the sweet treats my sister makes. But, I think it is the chance to hear from friends and family
I'm probably not alone when I say, "Bring on 2020!" To me, 2020 seems pretty big; a start of a new decade, and hopefully the start of some much-needed good luck for us all
Just a few months ago, a lifelong dairyman of 50 years suddenly passed away. In reflecting upon the humble farmer who put others and his cattle before himself, the officiant shared his unique perspective...
Last week I taught class of high school juniors and seniors about marketing, and we were discussing where their target audience would be using social media
I was fortunate to have my sister, Megan Carey, spend her Thanksgiving holiday with us in St. Louis. We grew up on our parents’ dairy farm in Florida, and both stayed in the dairy industry albeit...